Short Film
The Short Film requires your group to tell a short, engaging story with a message. Your film must be between 2-4 minutes long and reinforce the message your group is trying to get across in your campaign.
To create your short film, you will need to write a detailed script and sketch out a story board. Planning is the key!
To consider:
- What emotional techniques will your film use? - humour, sadness, happiness etc
- How will you shoot your film? - you may need to do filming outside of class time
- How will you make your film engaging to teenagers?
- In what ways will you integrate your message so that it is clearly identifiable as part of the wider media campaign your group is creating?
You can use WeVideo - a free and easy to use Chrome app to edit your film. Alternatively, you could use Windows MovieMaker at school - be aware that there may be a shortage of PCs with MovieMaker and consider using WeVideo
Check out a few of these short films and think about what techniques they use to get the story across and engage the audience.