In The City
It's important to make sure your time in the city is spent in the most efficient way possible. The best way to do that, is to make sure you are prepared before hand.
Communication: have each other's phone number as well as that of the BYTES phone. Make sure that if you aren't travelling into the city together on days 2 & 3, you let your team know if you are running late.
Absences and lateness: The school must be notified of any unforeseen absence or lateness by 8.30am on the day of absence or lateness (call the General Office on 8520 9000). This must be followed up with a written note on the return of the student to the city or school
Plan ahead of the day: Where will you be taking surveys? What are the roles each team member will play (surveyors, recorders, photographers)? Organise interviews and times with experts before the day.
Know your topic: It's important to have a good background knowledge of what you are researching- members of the public may ask you what you mean by certain questions or ask for further information.
Prepare your master sheet: It could look something like the screen shot below. This allows for much easier collation of data, using 1's will allow google sheets to easily add up your results.
Be awesome representatives of the school in the city - as we know you will be. Be polite, courteous and well presented. You will get a lot more positive responses if you look your best, smile and have good eye contact.
Your time in the city is a privilege, any contravention of school policy in the city may result in you being banned from further travel into the city with your group.